See all my current work, sales and specials, and just a pretty cool page of nails and stuff.
I love new fans!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bad New, Good News, Bad News and GREAT News

What a whirlwind of a few days!! Holy Moly. I decided to quit the salon for sure on Monday. I'd already talked to her numerous times about my frustrations and no changes had been made, so I was really getting nowhere. It was a huge relief taking all of my stuff out and not looking back. The bad news, I have to start my hours ALL OVER. That stinks, but I want to be good at nails and that is what it's going to take, so I can swallow it.

Then my quest for "What now?" began. ha ha ha. I started googling like crazy. Any nail tech I found that had pictures on their website that looked like they had some mad skills, I emailed or texted or called to find out if they had their instructor's license. I guess the salon I was at has quite the reputation. Numerous people I talked to and told I wasn't learning much in my current apprenticeship asked if she was my teacher without me even saying anything. Let's just say I don't think I'm the first person that has been in this situation. Crazy. Hindsight, right?? I also found out there were so many things she was doing and having me do that are illegal. Yikes. We live and learn.

One lady directed me to another lady who said I could start on Tuesday! That's the good news. So I went in Tuesday to get started. She was really nice, but hasn't had other students before and she seemed a little flakey. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and gave it a try. For two hours she sat and read me the text book. Aaahhh! I wanted to pass out from boredom. I told her I've already read the entire book twice on my own and asked her if I could go ahead and take the tests for each chapter and only review the ones I didn't pass, but she wouldn't. Her salon was REALLY slow and I didn't feel like I would get very much hands on experience. Plus, she was only going to have me come 8 hours a week I found out! That would take me until October. Bad news again, later that night we decided it didn't feel right and I called her to let her know I changed my mind.

But don't you worry. There is more to the story. Remember the nail school I wanted to go to a while back, but couldn't afford it? Well, it closed because their lease was up and to renew was going to be some crazy amount they couldn't afford. I still had the owners number and I thought I'd give her a call and see what she suggested. Here comes the GREAT news! She is still doing school, just moved it to her home salon until they get another building. Because it's at her home the tuition is lower AND I'll get 50% commission on all of the services I do! Plus, super bonus, she will let me count hours I do in my own home studying and doing nails! I was so excited to find all of this out. I will be able to get hours so much quicker!! Starting over isn't quite as daunting. So I told her I would call her back around March when we get our tax return and I would start then. Even more good news, she told me it's best to start 2 students at the same time so we can do things together and there's a girl starting January 10th. She is willing to let me start then and pay later when we get our taxes back. She was so sweet about it. I cannot tell you how excited I am. She has had 51 students and only 3 have had to take the test twice. (That is really good! Most people I've talked to had to take it at least twice. It's really hard.) She knows her stuff and hopefully I will too by the time she is done with me.

And that's that. I'm not sure why things needed to happen the way they did. It is what it is, and I am just happy it is all working out for the better. Come this summer I will be licensed and awesome. YAY!!!! So give me a few weeks and I will need people to start coming in so I can practice practice practice!!! :-)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

This Officially Sucks. . . .

Yup, it's been FOREVER since I posted and it's because I've been CrAzY busy. I started my apprenticeship as planned on the 15th of September and now, I'm almost completely done with my hours. That sounds great. . . . right? . . . . It should be great, but it isn't so great. It has been NUTS. I have not learned everything that I need to learn. I have my 300 hours, but mopping, emptying trash cans, and working long days with not even a lunch break . . . . nope . . . . those things aren't on the test. :-( Don't get me wrong, I love doing nails and that part has been really fun! But pretty much I've taught myself to do everything. They want me there all day every day and no one there pulls their weight when it comes to the "housekeeping" part of the job so I get stuck with it all. This Christmas break has kinda been the last straw. Because my husband is out of school, she thinks I need to be there all day every day. I was there for the entire day Christmas Eve and only had TWO customers, but she wouldn't let me go home. We get paid on commission, so I don't make any money if no one comes in, but it doesn't bother her because she doesn't have to pay me! I sound like such a whiner, but it really has been hard being away from my family every single day these past few months. ;-( Some Saturdays when I'm there from 10-8 I don't even get a break for lunch.

So right now we are in decision making mode. I know I could keep going and keep teaching myself and EVENTUALLY learn everything I need to know to pass the test and get my license. BUT do I really want to do that, and then be obligated to work there for three years where I'm not happy?? If I go somewhere else, I will probably have to start my hours over again and most likely will have to pay someone to teach me. On the plus side though, I will be able to work for myself as soon as I'm finished. (There is a cute girl in town I'm in the process of talking to about it . . . . Cross your fingers we can work something out.) And I will know my stuff, which is also a very big plus. I'm leaning toward the 2nd option, but I'm still not sure what is the best choice for me and my family. If I decide to switch gears, I want to do it tomorrow so I can spend this week with MY FAMILY instead of scrubbing feet. :-) We are pretty religious people, and when I first started we prayed really hard and felt good about the decision. So that makes me wonder if I am even qualified in this whole decision making thing. Probably not.

That's where you come in. What should I do??? Any tips, advice, prayers, or positive thoughts over the next 24 hours or so would be greatly appreciated. You can vote in my poll at if you want!! It's at the top of the page on the left. Thanks for listening. And thanks for your help.

P.S. If you want to see some of the nails of done the past few months, check out my Facebook Page!! HERE

Oh and P.S. Again. . . . The nail school I wanted to go to went out of business, so that isn't an option anymore either.