Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Bad New, Good News, Bad News and GREAT News
Then my quest for "What now?" began. ha ha ha. I started googling like crazy. Any nail tech I found that had pictures on their website that looked like they had some mad skills, I emailed or texted or called to find out if they had their instructor's license. I guess the salon I was at has quite the reputation. Numerous people I talked to and told I wasn't learning much in my current apprenticeship asked if she was my teacher without me even saying anything. Let's just say I don't think I'm the first person that has been in this situation. Crazy. Hindsight, right?? I also found out there were so many things she was doing and having me do that are illegal. Yikes. We live and learn.
One lady directed me to another lady who said I could start on Tuesday! That's the good news. So I went in Tuesday to get started. She was really nice, but hasn't had other students before and she seemed a little flakey. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and gave it a try. For two hours she sat and read me the text book. Aaahhh! I wanted to pass out from boredom. I told her I've already read the entire book twice on my own and asked her if I could go ahead and take the tests for each chapter and only review the ones I didn't pass, but she wouldn't. Her salon was REALLY slow and I didn't feel like I would get very much hands on experience. Plus, she was only going to have me come 8 hours a week I found out! That would take me until October. Bad news again, later that night we decided it didn't feel right and I called her to let her know I changed my mind.
But don't you worry. There is more to the story. Remember the nail school I wanted to go to a while back, but couldn't afford it? Well, it closed because their lease was up and to renew was going to be some crazy amount they couldn't afford. I still had the owners number and I thought I'd give her a call and see what she suggested. Here comes the GREAT news! She is still doing school, just moved it to her home salon until they get another building. Because it's at her home the tuition is lower AND I'll get 50% commission on all of the services I do! Plus, super bonus, she will let me count hours I do in my own home studying and doing nails! I was so excited to find all of this out. I will be able to get hours so much quicker!! Starting over isn't quite as daunting. So I told her I would call her back around March when we get our tax return and I would start then. Even more good news, she told me it's best to start 2 students at the same time so we can do things together and there's a girl starting January 10th. She is willing to let me start then and pay later when we get our taxes back. She was so sweet about it. I cannot tell you how excited I am. She has had 51 students and only 3 have had to take the test twice. (That is really good! Most people I've talked to had to take it at least twice. It's really hard.) She knows her stuff and hopefully I will too by the time she is done with me.
And that's that. I'm not sure why things needed to happen the way they did. It is what it is, and I am just happy it is all working out for the better. Come this summer I will be licensed and awesome. YAY!!!! So give me a few weeks and I will need people to start coming in so I can practice practice practice!!! :-)
Sunday, December 25, 2011
This Officially Sucks. . . .
So right now we are in decision making mode. I know I could keep going and keep teaching myself and EVENTUALLY learn everything I need to know to pass the test and get my license. BUT do I really want to do that, and then be obligated to work there for three years where I'm not happy?? If I go somewhere else, I will probably have to start my hours over again and most likely will have to pay someone to teach me. On the plus side though, I will be able to work for myself as soon as I'm finished. (There is a cute girl in town I'm in the process of talking to about it . . . . Cross your fingers we can work something out.) And I will know my stuff, which is also a very big plus. I'm leaning toward the 2nd option, but I'm still not sure what is the best choice for me and my family. If I decide to switch gears, I want to do it tomorrow so I can spend this week with MY FAMILY instead of scrubbing feet. :-) We are pretty religious people, and when I first started we prayed really hard and felt good about the decision. So that makes me wonder if I am even qualified in this whole decision making thing. Probably not.
That's where you come in. What should I do??? Any tips, advice, prayers, or positive thoughts over the next 24 hours or so would be greatly appreciated. You can vote in my poll at if you want!! It's at the top of the page on the left. Thanks for listening. And thanks for your help.
P.S. If you want to see some of the nails of done the past few months, check out my Facebook Page!! HERE
Oh and P.S. Again. . . . The nail school I wanted to go to went out of business, so that isn't an option anymore either.
Monday, August 15, 2011
This is THE post!
Here's the story: My awesome neighbor, who is constantly watching out for us, was talking to one of our other neighbors, who had just gotten a pedicure at a salon by our house. (Did you follow that?) She mentioned to my friend that the pedi she got was from a student. My friend called me up later that day and told me about it. I called them up and sure enough, they have an apprenticeship program!! I have to purchase the textbook and supplies for me to use, which is SIGNIFICANTLY less than the other schools I've been looking at. The girl is SO NICE! Other than that, I don't have to pay her anything. I have to work at the salon for a while after I'm done, but the hours are flexible and I think it will be a great way to build up some clientele. Then, I can decide if I like working in a salon or not. It might actually be good for my mental health to get out for a few hours here and there. ha ha ha. AND I will still take appointments at my home if you're more comfortable there or if it fits your schedule better. (My gift cards will only be good for appointments in my home or at my glitter toe parties!)
I will keep you posted and as soon as I start doing actual nails, come visit me!! I've been frantically online shopping to find the best deals on brushes, textbooks, fake hands, files, UV lights, etc. etc. etc. It's fun, and a little nerve racking. What if I totally suck?? I don't anticipate that being the case, but it could happen! :-) Mostly I'm just excited to get started, have some girl time, earn some money, and chat with all you awesome folks. I think as soon as I learn Rock Star Toes I should have a HUGE party!!!! You can all sparkle and glitter with me. Who's in?
Friday, July 15, 2011
That Ticker Ticks me off! ha ha ha.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Hope! {St. George, Utah Glitter Toes}

So who wants to be one of my guinea pigs?? I can do gel nails, acrylic nails, manicures and pedicures, shellac, the whole shebang! And it will be super cheap until I get my license. (I don't think I'll suck too bad, so it will still be worth it. ha ha ha.) I can't wait to get started. . . .
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Update! {St. George, Utah Gel Nails}
I met with a cute girl here in St. George that does awesome nails. She is looking into getting her instructor's license. She is darling and would be great to work with. We have kids almost the exact same ages, she does a great job, and I think we'd get along very well. The only challenges are #1 she doesn't have her license yet, #2 She doesn't work many nights, which is when I'm available, and #3 I'm not sure what she'd charge me. So, I'm not ruling that option out yet, but it's still up in the air.
The Nail School I've been looking at has an opening starting the beginning of August, I just have to scrounge up the Moolah, which isn't exactly a walk in the park. Summers are already complicated for us financially because my preschool/daycare/some piano income stops for a few months. (And we go on camping trips to Yellowstone that cost money, but are oh so worth it. . .) My hubby sold his car, which was originally supposed to go to the nail school fund, but instead went to the paying bills and living fund. There went that idea. Ha ha ha. BUT we have a booth selling pretzels this weekend and that $ WILL go to the Nail School pot. (Right Hunny??) Plus, I've been selling a bunch of stuff on EBAY, (go check it out) and THAT $ goes to Nail school. And last, but for sure not least I sold ONE Pre-paid Gift card to Polished Nail Spa, and that money also goes to the pot. (YOU can still help me out and buy one too!!)
Anyone have a rich, small business investing, super nice relative?? ha ha ha. If all else fails, which it might, when the beginning of next year rolls around, I can make up the difference with our tax return. Whew. I hope I don't have to wait that long. Have I mentioned I'm rally BAD at waiting? Yup. I am.
And that's where it all stands. I'm still really excited about it though. At least I have lots of time to dream up what services and fun things I'm going to offer, how I'm going to run things, and all of that jazz. It will be awesome when it hits the ground RUNNING! :-) Thanks for reading this far. I'm really surprised someone actually made it. And most of all THANKS for supporting me and my crazy ideas!!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Manicure of the Month! {St. George, Utah Nail Salon}

Ready for my next idea?? I'm really excited about this one. I was thinking, not everyone likes having gel or acrylic nails. I want to offer something for EVERYONE to have a little "you time" and feel pampered. I'm also going to do pedicure and manicures on natural nails. Enter: The Manicure of the Month!
Here's how it works: Each month, I will design a manicure, (color and some kind of super cool nail art.) and offer it all month at a discounted price. Here's the fun part, everyone who gets the manicure of the month will be entered into a drawing and the winner gets a FREE manicure to be the hand model for the next month. Doesn't that sound fun?? I think it will be awesome. I haven't decided if it will be a regular manicure, or do Shellac polish. What do you guys think?? Also, if you do get gel nails, (which are AMAZING) don't fret. You can get the fun nail art too at no extra charge.
There are so many cool nail art ideas out there, this will give me a chance to try new things and get creative. It will give you a chance to be pampered at a little discount. And best of all, we'll get to hang out for a little while every month! Win-win. :-)
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Another one bites the dust. . . .
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Decisions, decisions . . . . . .
If you know me, you know that I'm not really a "waiter." I get an idea in my head and just want to go for it. You also would then know that I'm a "planner." If I don't know what is going to happen, when it's going to happen, and how it's going to happen, I go a little bit nuts!! That's where I am right now. Going a little bit nuts. I REALLY want to go to nail school, and I REALLY need to make more money, and nail school is REALLY expensive. My cute husband has said I can use our tax return to go, but that will be like 7 months away just to get started!! I want to be painting, and polishing, and gelling, and earning some moolah way before then!! ha ha ha. The nail school in town is starting a class July 5th and I SO want to be in it. (I've searched for someone to do an apprenticeship with, and it's just not panning out.) So, here is my question to all of you faithful readers in cyberland. (I know there are a lot cause I've had this blog for like a week!) Do we try to get a student loan and go for it, or do I be patient, keep trying to find an apprenticeship, and wait some more?? I just don't know. Or do I just forget the whole thing and stick to my current preschool, piano-teacher, vinyl, photography, daycare providing, being poor plan? Have I mentioned I'm not good at making decisions, or waiting, or not having a plan? Ya, I'm not. The point of this post? Not really sure. To let off some steam I guess.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Polished Nail Spa GIVEAWAY!!

Here is how you can earn points and earn entries into the drawing:
-Purchase a Pre-paid service card HERE. (If you are the points winner, you will have the choice between a refund, or another SIX treatements.)
20 Points
-Refer a friend who purchases a Pre-paid Service Card. (They'll enter your name at checkout.)
10 Points each
-"Like" Polished Nail Spa on Facebook. Comment here telling me you did.
5 Points
-Tell your friends to "like" Polished on Facebook and post on our wall that YOU sent them.
2 points each
-Post about Polished Nail Spa AND this contest on Facebook (One entry PER DAY!) Comment here telling me you did it.
1 Point per day
-Email your St. George friends about this contest and Polished Nail Spa. Copy the email to so I can give you your points. Please only St. George friends. This part is on the honor system, so be honest!
3 points per friend
-Blog about this contest and Polished Nail Spa. Comment here with a link to your post.
3 points
-Comment on this post, letting me know how I can make Polished Nail Spa a perfect place to be pampered. Up to five suggestions are allowed.
1 point each
I will keep a running total on the sidebar of this blog. Check back often and make sure you are in the lead!! All entries must be in by JULY 8TH 2011 at Midnight, MST. The drawing will be held JULY 9TH 2011. We will announce the winners here, and on Facebook. Again, please make sure you follow the directions, and GOOD LUCK. I can't wait to see who wins.
Remember, cards cannot be redeemed until I get my license. The more of YOUR friends we get the word to, so they can purchase one too, THE FASTER I WILL BE IN BUSINESS!! WAHOO! I can't contain my excitement. Thanks for your help. I can't wait.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Help. . .MayDay. . . .S.O.S. {St. George, Utah Nail Salon}
Enter: Pre-paid service cards! This is a great deal you guys and I hope you take advantage.

If you have a little girl's birthday party, baby shower, bridal shower, or just want to do a few Girl's Nights, this would be a GREAT way to get a deal. (Just make sure the party isn't for a few months so I am all licensed up!) Guys this would be an AWESOME gift for your wife, she will love you forever. Think about all of the women in your life that are going to need Christmas gifts and get your shopping done SUPER early!! There are so many ways you could use one of these.
As if all of that isn't enough and we aren't already jumping for joy, THERE'S MORE! I am going to be GIVING AWAY one of these to one of YOU!! Stay tuned for the givaway details. . . I can hardly wait!!
Details on how to enter the giveaway are on their way soon!!!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Still Planning
I wanted to post today about what I want my salon space to be like, and get your input and opinions! My great hubster is letting me have our spare bedroom as my "nail room" I want it to be a really fun, modern, chill place ladies can come hang out and relax. I'll have my work table and chairs of course, but then I'm thinking I'll have a little couch, a fridge stalked with soda pop, cool magazines to look at, and chocolate. Is there anything else the ladies in the audience can think of that would make it a really cool space that you would want to spend a few hours a month in on yourself?? Seriously, give me your opinions!!
Also, give me some opinions on my logo and this blog so far. I just stared it last night, so it is still a diamond in the rough. What types of things would you like to read about? What would you like to see? What about the logo?
The focus of my salon is going to be gel nails. They are AMAZING!! I used to have acrylics and I've converted. They are lighter, thinner, more natural feeling, sturdier, and they don't lift near as much. Plus, you can mix all kinds of neat stuff into the gel. AND since you cure them under a lamp, you don't have to wait for them to dry. All around they just rock. I'm also going to do glitter toes, regular manicures and pedicures, nail parties, and host Girl's Night Out! Is there ANYTHING else YOU want?? What services would make my salon better? Ideas please!!
Thanks for joining me on this adventure. I'm excited to keep you update on how it's all panning out. Have a fabulous day!