Today I went to the nail school I want to go to and got my toes glittered. :) I had a free coupon that expires and decided to go use it since the hubster had the day off.
SO my toes are happy and I'm happy. I talked to the cute girl that did them about the school and stuff. She loves it. She told me a little bit about their payment plan, which is great. AND she told me I get to take my kit home while I'm in school, and if I do nails at home and take a picture of them, I can count the hours!! FABULOUS! I will be able to finish a lot faster. I've known about the payment plan, but I don't want to do it and then not be able to make the payments. (The whole reason behind this whole ordeal is to MAKE more money, not SPEND more money. ha ha ha.) But, if I can save up a big enough deposit, and do nails at home to make a little money, (at a huge discount of course, since I'll be learning. . . .) it just might work!! YAHOO!
So who wants to be one of my guinea pigs?? I can do gel nails, acrylic nails, manicures and pedicures, shellac, the whole shebang! And it will be super cheap until I get my license. (I don't think I'll suck too bad, so it will still be worth it. ha ha ha.) I can't wait to get started. . . .
We are I'm town and would love to get our toes done this week. How do I contact you?