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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Another one bites the dust. . . .

Okay, so scratch that last post. Student loan isn't an option either. I GIVE UP! Not really. I don't really give up on things easily. But I do feel deflated and disappointed. (HELLO people! Just because I have a bachelor's degree already doesn't mean it's making me any money!) So my last ditch effort is meeting with a cute nail tech I found online to see if I can do my apprenticeship with her. If the hours and price is right. . . . I don't want to jinx it, so that's all I will say. If that one falls through also, I guess it's back to selling things on ebay, donating plasma, selling extra children . . . . That type of thing. Cross your fingers and say a prayer for me. I'm anxiously awaiting 1:30 and the hour that follows!!

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